Tuesday, November 1, 2011

CF Vegan Cheddar Alternative

My prized possession. This block of not-cheese holds so many possibilities. My son could enjoy his first bowl of mac n' "cheese" or he could have an omelet that includes shredded "cheese".

In fact, I did use this to make Boomba Mac N "Cheese" Honestly, it was horrible. BUT I was a little silly with the preparation. Noodles, Soy Milk, and "Cheese".
I really should have added a seasoning or two, or even some bacon bits. I've discovered that bacon bits really help add a smokey flavor to the "cheese".

After I tried and failed at Mac N "Cheese" I shredded the remains and froze them for future use. It takes courage to try new things. Especially when they taste like coagulated vegetable oil...

Next was the Omelet. That, my friends, was De-Lish!
The omelet also included onions, green peppers, paprika and BACON BITS!
I fooled myself and thought I was eating real cheese!

Most recently was the wonderment of Pumpkin Pasta! The dish probably could have gone without the small addition of the "cheese", but I'd also like to think it was a positive experience with the Veagn-"Cheese" weirdness.

Not bias at all, feel that?
(sarcasm to the max)

1 comment:

  1. Blech... props to you! I can barely choke it down. I think I am going cheese AND "cheese" free until DD is done nursing. lol
